Grants Awards announced for 2017

2017 Winners Announced

The Ballarat Arts Foundation is pleased to be announcing the recipients of the 30th round of Grants and Awards. These awards were presented on Thursday 12th October, at a special event.

Our organisation began in 2000 with the first group of award winners receiving their funds in 2001. The Ballarat community has continued to fund this program over the past 17 years, with more than $160,000 invested back into the community of arts practitioners.

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"In my view, one of the strengths of this year’s ceremony was the involvement of so many of the 2017 recipients. We were ‘piped in’ by Amber Ives, we watched video footageof Jovan Pantelich on ‘cello, Mio Bayley dancing on Ballarat’s wonderful Her Majesty’s stage, and actual footage of Andrew Groch (taken during his time in Czech Republic) conducting the Concerto for Orchestra by Bartok. This piece is widely accepted as being extremely complex and challenging (and maybe even terrifying for the conductor?)  Andrew also spoke eloquently of his experiences in Czech Republic on the conducting course. To cap off the night, the audience was entertained during the after ceremony reception by Paula Maki, who in turn was joined by our gorgeous and supportive alumnus, Josh Woods."

Grants & Alumni Chairperson Wendy Rechenberg